Design Talk 10. Artificial intelligence; Nathan Benaich, Partner, Playfair Capital

Nathan Benaich, a partner at VC firm Playfair Capital, joins hosts Marek Pawlowski and Alex Guest to talk about the confluence of artificial intelligence, machine learning and user experience. Playfair specialises in investing in this area and is actively building London’s growing community of AI start-ups and experts. Marek, Alex and Nathan share examples of digital experiences shaped by artificial intelligence and discuss the relationship with user-centred design.

"Technology becomes commoditised. We need companies which focus on experiential products people genuinely want to use." Nathan Benaich, Partner, Playfair Capital on ep. 10 of MEX Design Talk podcast

On this edition


About MEX Design Talk

The podcast for the MEX community, interviewing UX pioneers, exploring emerging technologies, user behaviour and how to design better digital experiences.


  • Jukedeck, for the artificial intelligence engine which provided the music


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