March 2010
Video – Priya Prakash, Creative Director at Nokia, on the delicate art of balancing commercial imperative and user experience
At the last MEX in May 2009, we challenged Priya Prakash, Creative Director for Consumer Experience at Nokia, to take on one of the toughest topics: how can you strike a balance between the commercial imperative of revenue generation technique…
Request your copy of the illustrated MEX Manifesto
Last week we published the 15 point Manifesto which will be at the heart of the MEX Conference agenda on 19th – 20th May 2010.
We also have a tradition of producing beautifully printed hard copy editions of the Manifesto and this year we ha…
MEX Inspirations: 10 reasons to avoid talking on the phone
The industry’s obsession with designing services for the visual dimension at the expensive of new innovations in voice will be one of the key topics at our next MEX Conference on 19th / 20th May 20…
Stat Spot: Google access as a percentage of total mobile internet views
Source: Opera
Stat Spot: Mobile broadband customers as a percentage of Telefonica’s user base
Stat Spot: Usage of phones for navigation in Germany
Source: PhoneHouse / AreaMobile
The new MEX Manifesto for enhancing mobile UX in a multi-platform world
Each MEX Conference is built around a Manifesto, the product of hundreds of research consultations with users, industry experts and academics. The Manifesto sets out our beliefs as to how user-centred design principles can enhance the experience …