January 2011
MEX, 4th – 5th May 2011, London
MEX is 2 days where the brightest minds in mobile, media & design create a collective response to 6 future mobile user experience pathways
6 reasons to participate- Join the industry’s deepest thinkers in creating new ide…
Webinar on understanding young customers
The Digital Communications Knowledge Transfer Network (DCKTN) is hosting a webinar by Julia Shalet about understanding younger customers and their relationship with digital products.
It runs at 10:30 on Thursday, 27th January and you can regist…
3D, fashion and the flat screen paradox
One of the insights already resulting from the MEX community’s work on Pathway #4 (‘Identify ways 3D can enrich the user experience with visual depth‘) is that the flat displays typically found on mobile devices are often a counter-intuitive way t…
The assumption of connectivity
Christmas in rural, Eastern Scotland was relatively uninterrupted by mobile communication thanks to the near-total lack of reception at my parents house. Perhaps today’s “one-horse town” should be called a “one-bar town”? This was not a major is…