December 2013
Skills for digital change
The season for annual predictions is upon us and they remain as useless as ever, limited as they are to either recounting the obvious or speculating on the unknowable. Instead, I’d like to reflect on a future just becoming visible over the horizo…
Blackberry’s future through the lens of a Q10
Why would anyone use a Blackberry Q10 in 2013? The answer, as I’ve found in four months of testing, is simple: speed, battery life, keyboard and the quality of connectivity. I’ll expand on each of these below, as well as the negative aspects…
YotaPhone’s dual screen experience
The YotaPhone launched today with a 720p colour screen on the front and a 4.3 inch e-ink display on the back. It is a unique combination and a welcome innovation in a market where form factors remain stagnated around the generic, single scree…