September 2014
Passport, Z30, Q10 & Blackberry’s evolving experience
In December 2013, I wrote about my experiences with the Q10 and Blackberry 10 operating system, a platform I came to as a novice, concluding:
“Why would anyone use a Blackberry Q10 in 2013? The answer, as I’ve found in four months of …
Preparing for Apple’s new interactions
Strip away the hype from Apple’s September 2014 product announcements and you’re left with 4 new interactions which might change digital user experience at scale:
- Magnified depth
- Pressure levels
- Haptic feedback
- Activated confirmation
Irrational desire for the Moto X and a refreshing design culture
I can’t actually buy the Moto X – indeed, I’ve not even seen one in person yet – but I find myself desiring it. That in itself says something about Motorola’s ability to inspire customers through design.
Firstly, I should set a little back…
Working rural & remote with the Lumia 2520
The path led me over a small hill. To the right were fields ploughed into undulating patterns and to my left a haze blanketed the North Sea. There’s a bench up here, miles from the nearest town, wide enough to serve as a makeshift desk and s…
Seeing beyond time to understand user priorities
Imagine a user who spends 95 percent of their smartphone time reading content like emails, social media and web pages. The remaining 5 percent might be split between phone calls, photos and navigation in the car.
Would it be reasonable to conc…