April 2017
Video: David Mingay & Sam Livingstone’s #mexsession re-imagining automotive UI
David Mingay & Sam Livingstone share lessons from a collaboration which tapped Car Design Research’s automotive industry insight and Ustwo’s digital interface design capabilities. Looking at the needs of drivers accustomed to smartphone UIs, the p…
Leverage changes in UI ambience to convey non-urgent information
Gita, the faithful fast forward follow drone
Gita is a cylindrical cargo robot capable of carrying a 40 lb load for its human companion. Developed by Piaggio Fast Forward, a product studio within the 130 year old Italian manufacturer, Gita challenges common assumptions about the role of robo…
Smartphones moved by machines
Now that Sharp is controlled by Foxconn – the company which quietly makes many of the world’s smartphones – it has taken a logical next step: combining Foxconn’s economies of scale with Sharp’s brand recognition to re-enter the high-end smartphone…
Establish a consistent place for inconsistency
MEX Jobs weekly: design research & UX architect roles
MEX Jobs is a curated list of experience design roles from agencies & in-house teams who share the user-centred values of the MEX community.
Roles featured for week commencing 10th April 2017 include:
- Design researcher | Frankly Green & Web…
5 hallmarks of strategic vs tactical UX projects
Describing user experience projects as ‘strategic’ versus ‘tactical’ is sometimes seen as interchangeable with ‘good’ versus ‘bad’. It is over-simplification to assume that strategic work is more valid than tactical, but the ability to categorise …
Video: James Deakin’s #mexsession explores digital dieting & the 6th sense
Tapping a worldwide study looking at trends in digital user behaviour, James Deakin of Fjord talks about:
- The emerging need for digital dieting
- The sixth sense we are given by technology
- How experience quality is shaped by smoothing …