Design Talk 17. Virtual reality special; experiencing HTC Vive with Greg Taylor of Tigerspike

This special edition of the MEX podcast takes you hands-on with the user experience of virtual reality, with bonus photos and videos.  In episode 12 we went in-depth on the design principles of augmented, virtual and mixed reality with Greg Taylor of Tigerspike.  When Greg took delivery of his HTC Vive – arguably the most immersive virtual reality experience available to consumers today – he invited Design Talk hosts Marek Pawlowski and Alex Guest to spend an afternoon exploring it in Tigerspike’s London studio.  The podcast recounts first-hand impressions of the Vive and expands into a discussion of how this new form of digital experience might change design agency strategy and individual practitioner skills.

On this edition


Bonus photos

Unboxing HTC Vive

Unboxing HTC Vive

HTC Vive headset close-up

HTC Vive headset close-up

Greg (left) and Alex checking out Tigerspike's Vive room

Greg (left) and Alex checking out Tigerspike’s Vive room

HTC Vive sensor close-up

HTC Vive sensor close-up

Alex (left) wearing HTC Vive with Greg setting up

Alex (left) wearing HTC Vive with Greg setting up

Marek trying out HTC Vive

Marek trying out HTC Vive

HTC Vive mirrored on attached gaming PC

HTC Vive mirrored on attached gaming PC

About MEX Design Talk & how to get in touch

The podcast for the MEX community, interviewing UX pioneers, exploring emerging technologies, user behaviour and how to design better digital experiences.


  • Jukedeck, for the artificial intelligence engine which provided the music

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