Design Talk 35. Wearable health; Christian Lindholm, CEO, Koru
Christian Lindholm, a pioneer of mobile experience design, has his sights set on enabling a new generation of wearables for health and fashion. He talks to MEX founder Marek Pawlowski about his journey from Nokia in the 1990s, where he shipped the Navi Key UI on hundreds of millions of mobile devices – to his current ventures, including the Koru UI platform for wearables and an accelerator for digital health startups. The conversation also explores Christian’s time as a managing partner at design agency Fjord, when the company grew from a small design studio to become a global business subsequently acquired by Accenture. Get in touch with feedback and questions @mexfeed on Twitter or email
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On this edition
- Marek Pawlowski, co-host & founder of MEX (@marekpawlowski)
- Christian Lindholm, CEO, Koru (@clindholm)
- Mobile Usability: How Nokia Changed the Face of the Mobile Phone, a book co-authored by Christian, describing the Navi Key UI
- Jakob Nielsen’s Usability Engineering book
- Nokia Lifeblog
- The secret origin story of the iPhone, a Verge article which covers some of Apple’s decisions about capacitive touchscreens alluded to by Christian
- Patent for ‘butterfly’ mobile device
- Fjord / Accenture acquisition
- Vertical Health Accelerator, Christian’s venture in digital health
- Koru, Christian’s UI platform for wearables
About MEX Design Talk & how to get in touch
The podcast for the MEX community, interviewing UX pioneers, exploring emerging technologies, user behaviour and how to design better digital experiences.
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- Jukedeck, for the artificial intelligence engine which provided the music
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