Meet the speakers: Alexander Asseily

Meet the speakers: Alexander Asseily

Alexander Asseily, Chairman, Jawbone, State and MEX alumnus

We asked Alexander to join MEX after being inspired by the beautiful design of the Jambox, Icon and Era accessories developed by Jawbone. He will help provoke new ideas in Pathway #10, as well as touching on the issues of Pathway #5 through his work on the UP personal health product. He is is founder and Executive Chairman of London startup State, a global opinion network. Alexander was also the founding CEO of Jawbone (Aliph) and continues to serve as its Chairman. Jawbone is the world leader in mobile lifestyle products including Jawbone Icon and Era headsets, the Jambox speaker and UP personal health solutions. Alexander grew up in Beirut and London before receiving his BSc & MSc in Engineering Design at Stanford University.

Alexander Asseily speaks at MEX on 30th November – 1st December 2011 in London.

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