Meet the speakers: Ben Medlock

Meet the speakers: Ben Medlock

Ben Medlock, CTO and co-founder of TouchType and MEX alumnus

Ben’s team developed the popular SwiftKey application for Android, using A.I. to improve the experience of typing on mobile devices. His session at MEX will focus on Pathway #12, investigating the emergence of ‘inference technologies’ to model the decision making abilities of the human brain. The talk will touch on the philosophy of cognition and look at some of the tools available for tackling inference problems. After completing a PhD at Cambridge University in computational linguistics, Ben co-founded TouchType, an innovative London-based tech company building next generation text entry software for mobile devices.

Ben is speaking at the next MEX in London on 30th November – 1st December 2011.

Here’s a video of Ben discussing SwiftKey and its design principles:

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