Meet the speakers: JD Moore, Nokia
In December 2007 JD Moore took time out from his day job as a user interface designer for Nokia to visit Kenya and further his passion for contexual user design and its role in developing markets. He ran a series of workshops with Kenyan children, exploring their views on mobile handset design and the features most important to this new generation, which may be the first to grow up with access to wireless technology.
Moore will be responding to the MEX Manifesto statement entitled ‘The developing world is the new frontier for mobile user experience‘ at the MEX conference on 27th and 28th May 2008.
He explained: “I believe it is time to evolve the relationship between international development and information and communications technology, in order to design for – and with – the local populations in emerging markets.” In his session at MEX he will blend ethnography, user-centered design and international development principles to look at how the industry can move towards regionally and culturally relevant products and experiences.
Moore’s interest in interaction design started during his studies in Japan and was developed with a degree in Cognitive Science, specialising in human-computer interaction, at the University of California San Diego. While studying at UCSD, he also interned with QUALCOMM’s user experience group, running sessions in UCSD’s highly regarded Interactive Cognition Lab.
He subsequently went on to join Nokia, attracted by the importance of the mobile handset to emerging markets. As Moore explains: “Technology has reached a level of relevancy and convenience in the shape of the mobile phone that now enables it to be useful, practical and affordable in emerging markets. This is very exciting as it opens up a world of first-time opportunities for a rather significant percentage of the world’s population.”
Marek Pawlowski, Editorial Director at PMN and founder of the MEX conference, sat down with Moore recently to talk about this topic in-depth. You can view the 20 minute video interview using LiveVideo below.
JD Moore talks to Marek Pawlowski about mobile user experience in developing markets
You can read the full MEX Manifesto statement on this topic here. Please register join us for the MEX conference in London on 27th and 28th May 2008 to take part in this debate and all our other Manifesto discussions.
[…] also published short interviews with some of the conference speakers, including JD Moore, a user interface designer for Nokia, who will be responding to the MEX Manifesto statement […]
[…] ha anche pubblicato delle brevi interviste con alcuni degli speaker della conferenza, tra cui JD Moore, un designer di interfaccia d’utente per la Nokia, in risposta al punto del MEX Manifesto […]
Mr. Moore, with his interest in user interfaces and emerging markets, will want to take a look at a new mobile phone keypad – Delta II.
Besides being the most desired mobile keypad for anyone who has typed on a PC keyboard, this new keypad design is also ideal for emerging markets, where a user may experience a mobile phone first, and a PC later on. When a user starts out on a mobile phone with a Delta II keypad, they will transition to a PC keyboard later on immediately, with no effort.
[…] in detail with JD Moore, UI Designer at Nokia, who we introduced in last week’s ‘Meet the speaker‘ article. Moore will give a presentation at the conference to respond to this part of the MEX […]