Meet the speakers: Mo Firouzabadian

Meet the speakers: Mo Firouzabadian

Mo Firouzabadian, Head of Connected Devices at Lumata and MEX alumnus

Mo comes to MEX to explore the how consumers experience media across multiple digital touchpoints, focusing on the themes of Pathway #2. Mo Firouzabadian is Head of Connected Devices of Lumata. He leads Lumata’s social content solutions for hardware manufacturers and operators. Prior to Lumata, Mo was at Buongiorno, leader in mobile connected life, responsible for Buongiorno’s business to operator product offering globally, as well as opening Buongiorno’s operations in Turkey. He has worked across strategy, business development, product development, technology, marketing, CRM and organisational transformation. He has been working with the top global hardware manufacturers, wireline and wireless telecommunication companies, media companies and FMCGs. Before joining Buongiorno, Mo worked at the start-up ZedGravity focused on monetising narrow-band networks with rich media communication.

Mo Firouzabadian speaks at MEX on 30th November – 1st December 2011 in London.

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