MEX Jobs weekly: design research & UX architect roles

MEX Jobs weekly: design research & UX architect roles

MEX Jobs is a curated list of experience design roles from agencies & in-house teams who share the user-centred values of the MEX community.

Roles featured for week commencing 10th April 2017 include:

  • Design researcherFrankly Green & Webb. Work with Lindsey Green & Alyson Webb, alumni facilitators and speakers at several MEX conferences, responsible for running some of our most memorable workshops. (Sheffield, UK)
  • Senior UX Architect | Akendi UK. Work with Dr. Leo Poll, alumnus of MEX/12, where he gave an expert talk on non-visual UI and facilitated a workshop. (Cambridge, UK)

Find out about the latest roles by bookmarking, following @mexfeed & #mexjobs or signing-up for the weekly email newsletter.

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  • MEX Job listings cost £139 (ex. VAT) and are featured for 30 days across MEX channels, including the jobs board, podcast, e-mail newsletter and a weekly summary here in the journal.
  • To join the employer beta, email me at for an invite – there are extra benefits for founding partners who help us evolve the service with their feedback.

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