MEX Notes: iOS grows while Android flattens in US

  • iOS grows while Android flattens in US – In the 3 months from February to May 2011, the percentage of customers buying Android handsets in the US remained flat at 27 percent. However, in the same period, iOS purchases rose from 10 percent to 17 percent. It is surprising to see Android failing to grow its share of recent purchases at a time when several major Android devices launched. Are consumers tiring of the stream of undifferentiated Android slates flooding the US market? Also, it is worth noting the February 2011 resumption of growth in iOS sales coincides precisely with the launch of the iPhone 4 on the Verizon network. Those familiar with Verizon's reputation for coverage in the US will understand how significant this was.

    Nielsen's figures are particularly interesting because they survey mobile consumers directly, providing a more accurate picture of current market trends than the 'sold to channel' figures released by manufacturers. Take note that RIM's percentage of sales in the 3 month period dropped from 11 to 6 percent, while Windows Phone registers at just 1 percent throughout. Our recent user studies on the ground in the US confirm iOS is seen as the platform of choice for those switching from Blackberry and older feature phones across almost all age groups.

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