MEX Notes: Stantum getting closer to combined multi-touch, stylus input

  • Stantum getting closer to combined multi-touch, stylus input – This note from MEX alumnus Guillaume Largillier provides a progress update on Stantum's work to deliver a touchscreen controller combining finger multi-touch and stylus input. This combination is something a holy grail for the industry. Capactive touchscreens, such as those on the iPhone and iPad, are good at detecting multiple finger touches with little pressure, but they lack accuracy. Resistive displays are well suited to accurately tracking input from a single pressure point, such as the tip of a stylus, but poor at supporting gestures like swiping and pinching. Stantum has been working on a hybrid display which supports both. The latest version is capable of differentiating between multiple touch types, including palm, finger and stylus. If Stantum succeeds, it will help enable applications such as sketching and annotating.

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