Something for the weekend…

Streaming football (sorry, not soccer)

US customers of MVNO Mobile ESPN will soon be able to enjoy college football games streamed to their handsets. The service is priced at USD 25 per month as part of ESPN’s ‘Total Sports’ package. The MVNO has been struggling to make progress with customer acquisition and the company recently hinted it may pursue a different strategy for content distribution, partnering with other operators rather than running its own service. No news yet of when they’ll be showing real football! Read more from

Dinner with Palm

Mike Mace, formerly Chief Competitve Officer for Palm and now a consultant with Rubicon, has written an interesting article looking at the possibility Palm may develop its own operating system indepently of its former subsidary PalmSource (recently acquired by Japanese developer Access). Palm and PalmSource have previously enjoyed an understandably close relationship. The article also has some interesting observations on international dining etiquette in relation to mobile phones!

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