TagUser story: iPads and heirlooms
They were seated close to each other around an old, circular wooden table at the back of the café. Two ladies with grey heads craning their necks over the faint blue glow of an iPad. The comings and goings of the café murmured around them. They we…
Design Talk 41. UX of iPhone X; Steve Litchfield, producer, The Phones Show
Just how significant are the user experience changes in iPhone X and what hints do they give us about the future of mobile innovation? Steve Litchfield, technology journalist and one of the world’s most experienced reviewers of smartphones, shares…
Why are these mobile interactions from Apple, Blackberry, Nokia & Huawei memorable?
Small moments of interaction design have disproportionate power to define the overall user experience.
Consider pinch to zoom. There was a time when it was novel, now it is innate. The speed at which it has become part of human behaviour tells …
Simplifying the flow of creativity in iOS
“For those, like me at times, who want more tools or are used to tools available in desktop software, iOS now enables easy access to the editing functionality of third party apps…What is particularly striking here is that the app functionali…
Experiencing the Apple Watch at retail
The Apple Watch occupied about 20 times more floorspace than the new MacBook when I visited the company’s Regent Street store in April 2015. The Watch’s display units stretch the full width of the store and are the first things a customer sees upo…