TagDesign Talk 65. Well travelled; Gavin Edwards, Director of Product Design & Research, Skyscanner
Gavin Edwards directs product design and research for Skyscanner, a travel search platform serving 90 million users a month. He talks to MEX founder Marek Pawlowski about applying research insights at scale, the cultural nuances of users’ travel b…
Self-serving machines and the human antidote
It was seven o’clock in the morning. We were four self-service screens and four user experience failures into our journey.
It didn’t help that there hadn’t been enough time for coffee before my partner and I left the house, but even fully caffe…
Antisocial technology
Terminal C at Newark Airport is home to one of the least sociable deployments of technology I’ve come across. Pairs of vertically mounted iPads bisect almost every table at the cafés, bars and restaurants which line the concourse. The result is a …
Adventure (slightly) augmented by design
Part of MEX Inspirations, an ongoing series exploring tangents and their relationship to better experience design.
How are your New Year’s Resolutions going?
I don’t do NYRs but at the start of each year, I spend some time reflecting on what was…
Gita, the faithful fast forward follow drone
Gita is a cylindrical cargo robot capable of carrying a 40 lb load for its human companion. Developed by Piaggio Fast Forward, a product studio within the 130 year old Italian manufacturer, Gita challenges common assumptions about the role of robo…
Minimum viable phone for an adventure?
Part of MEX Inspirations, an ongoing series exploring tangents and their relationship to better experience design.
I recently went along to A Night Of Adventure, a collection of talks by adventurers with a particular twist: each talk was accompan…
User story: all change on the train
It’s a grey, chilly morning the week before Christmas.
I’m walking through the ticket barriers to board the London train at my end-of-the-line station in Norfolk. I’m pressed for time because, once again, I had to help an elderly passenger who …
Design Talk 11. UX trends past & future, a 10-10 discussion
Hosts Marek Pawlowski and Alex Guest examine user experience trends from 3 points on a timeline: 10 years past, the present and 10 years into the future. Alex discusses scenarios relating to his travels in Patagonia, trust, social networking and t…