Stat Spot
CategoryReference library for digital user experience
An evolving list of free resources with data and insights describing digital user experience. Latest entries at the top of the page. To contribute, please add a comment to this post containing the link, report title, author, a quote and a single…
Finding user motivations between the numbers
Asking users what they want and aggregating those numbers provides data which can seem compelling and conclusive. However, it can also be a fickle guide to making good design decisions. At worst, the aggregate picture removes you from the specif…
Design investment increases profitability
VisionMobile’s annual Developer Economics survey tracks the reality of developing apps across a wide range of platforms and thousands of coders around the world. It’s important because it is based on direct feedback from developers themselves rath…
Stat Spot: 3G connections in Sweden
Stat Spot: Mobile connections in Asia Pacific region
Source: Wireless Intelligence
Stat Spot: HSPA+ enabled devices
Source: GSA
Stat Spot: HSPA+ networks worldwide
Stat Spot: Google access as a percentage of total mobile internet views
Source: Opera