June 2009
Archives: Ulrich Skrypalle, Head of Design, Siemens (September 1999)
In September 1999, Ulrich Skrypalle was the Head of Design at Siemens, spearheading the company’s efforts to refine its products to meet differing lifestyle requirements. He was also the winner of the 1998 CeBit design prize, awarded for his work…
Touch, feel, inspire and sustain
What does quality feel like? If you held two versions of the same mobile phone in each hand, one coated in basic, smooth plastic and the other finished with a texture, which would feel more desirable?
A missed opportunity – differentiating thr…
MEX Inspirations for 23rd June 2009
Stat Spot: Price distribution in the iPhone app store
Source: Distimo
Stat Spot: The effect of raising price in the iPhone app store
On 10th May, the price of the iBeer application in the iPhone App Store was increased from USD 0.99 to USD 1.99. Over the following couple of weeks, its ranking fell from a top 20 position to around 70th.
Source: Distimo
Stat Spot: The effect of lowering price in the iPhone app store
On 2nd May ‘World Cup Ping Pong’ was ranked 92nd in the iPhone App Store. The price was lowered from USD 1.99 to USD 0.99 on the same day and by 3rd May the ranking had improved to 71st. By 13th May, it had climbed all the way to…
Nokia helps developers improve Design and User Experience on mobile devices
In recognition of the importance that good design and user experience plays in creating successful products and services, Forum Nokia have renewed and extended the support available for those looking to improve the quality of their mobile app…
What are the 9 building blocks of mobile user experience?
At the 2009 MEX Mobile User Experience Conference two breakout teams of industry experts were given nin…