TagMEX Sessions: Sofia Svanteson on inspiring team creativity in UX design
Sofia Svanteson returned to MEX in December 2009 to share ideas on the creative process for digital user experience. Sofia is a pioneer in digital creativity, having worked with Razorfish in the early days of the dotcom era, before founding h…
MEX Sessions: Sian Townsend on mobile search behaviour in emerging markets
Sian Townsend, at the time a user experience researcher with Google, spoke at MEX in May 2009 on mobile user experience in the emerging markets of Africa. 2009 was a time when hundreds of millions of users in developing countries were joining…
MEX Sessions: Oren Horev on multi-touchpoint digital experiences & van drivers
Oren Horev, at the time a user experience strategist for Plan, spoke at MEX in May 2010. He shared the results of an ethnographic study into the mobile user experience of ‘van man’, a colloquial term in British society for the legion of delive…