January 2012
Crafting experience
The Victoria & Albert Museum’s ‘Power of Making‘ exhibition highlighted the intricate and creative skills required to build experiences in the physical form. The pre-requisites for the exhibition’s most successful items seemed to be knowledge of m…
MEX Inspirations: Kids + stickers + blank canvas = ?
Colossal published this fascinating set of photographs showing what happens when you give a group of children an unlimited number of sticks and a white-painted room to use as a blank canvas. I couldn’t help but think about how this might help…
Defining personal computing
“Apple went from 3.42% share at the end of 2008 to 5.6% share today excluding the iPad or 17.6% including the iPad. HP went from 19.3% in 2008 to 16% today or 13% if iPad is included.” (via Asymco)
Every industry likes to measure its performanc…
Know your users
This poster, found in the student quarter around Ipswich Docks in the UK, highlights how knowledge of your target audience can refine mobile usability. It is designed specifically for the significant number of students equipped with Blackberri…