Share your context, win a MEX ticket
Want to win a ticket to MEX?
Understanding user context is at the heart of MEX Pathway #14, an exploration of how digital experiences are enhanced through contextual awareness. It is a key theme of the 11th international MEX in London on 19th – 20th September.
Qualcomm, sponsor of MEX Pathway #14, is kindly supporting a competition to win a MEX ticket, usually costing £1499.
How to enter
Simply complete the sentence:
“Dear internet, my current context is…”
And enter before 21:00 UK time on Wednesday 12th September by either:
- Tweeting it and tagging with ‘#mex11’
- Or posting it as a comment below on this page
The most creative and interesting entry wins.
The deal
- Entries must be received by 21:00 UK time on Wednesday, 12th September 2012.
- Judges decision is final.
- Winner will be announced on Thursday, 13th September 2012.
- The prize is a ticket to attend MEX on 19th – 20th September 2012. Travel and accommodation are not included. No monetary equivalent will be offered.
- Only one entry per person.
Dear internet, my current context is PASSIVE
Dear internet, my current context is, well, tough to explain. What I do know, is that it leads me to seemingly engage in conversation with inanimate objects.
Dear internet, my current context is Canadian First Nations culture and language.
hopeful, but perhaps foolishly so since I never win at things like this
Dear internet, my current context is…well, you already know, don’t you? Or at least you should, you naughty internet, you.
Dear internet, my current context is fragmented and I am searching for a way to unify my experience based on my activity.
Oh … P.S. I’m late.