TagVideo: Jonny Burch’s #mexsession on the surprisingly complex art of ‘cool’ design
‘Cool’ is one of those complex, over-used terms often aspired to by experience designers but rarely delivered. Jonny Burch, at the time head of design for children’s financial brand Osper, takes on this tricky topic by exploring examples which ill…
Video: Rich Clayton’s #mexsession on UX at the intersection of physical & digital
When Rich Clayton (@monkeymischief | took on the role of Creative Director at Loaded Magazine, it was a publication adrift – in need of both a new content direction to reflect the evolving tas…
Industrial rhythm, migration, nostalgia: the societal fabric enveloping UX
This is part of a series of provocations to fuel discussions at the MEX/16 conference. Follow @mexfeed for more, join the debate at #mexdesign16 or by posting your comment below.
When we get it right, individual user needs are interpreted in t…