Tira’s Jump updated to meet demands of content publishers
Tira Wireless has announced the latest version of its Jump product suite. Jump brings together a number of tools for adapting, deploying and managing content and applications across a wide range of device platforms and operator networks.
When launched by Tira a few years ago, it was one of the first tools for porting applications to run on the wide range of different Java implementations. Jump now supports Java, BREW, ringtones and wallpapers, enabling publishers to use a single tool to optimise their content. In addition to porting, Jump also includes the capability to track content throughout its lifecycle, with a history of versions and operator submissions.
The latest version supports direct submission to the networks of operators who are using platforms such as Motricity and Mobilitec for their mobile content business. Tira also claims to have a knowledgebase covering about 1000 handsets and operators, providing information about their specifications and requirements.
The challenge of porting and managing content across so many platforms has been one of the key factors influencing the development of the mobile content business. The scale required to market an application on a global basis, where publishers may have to issue as many as 100 different versions of a product to satisfy operator demands, has driven consolidation among content providers.
It has also had an impact on the type of content available, with many companies choosing to bring existing high profile brands into the mobile world rather than risk developing new content of their own.
Efforts are underway within the industry to improve the situation with MIDP 3.0, the next major release of mobile Java – see our previous article entitled ‘Progress in the mobile applications layer‘. Sun is working with many of the world’s major manufacturers and operators to support a single version of Java, reducing the enormous fragmentation which has been seen with MIDP 1.0 and, to a lesser extent, 2.0.
However, publishers still face the challenge of managing their content deployments and tweaking to take full advantage of the unique capabilities of each handset. It is here where tools such as Tira’s Jump play an enormously important role.
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