March 2014
Follow #mex14 defining future UX live this week
The 14th international MEX opens in London on 19th – 20th March, welcoming user experience pioneers for 2 days of inspirational speakers and in-depth design challenges.
Follow #mex14 or sign-up to receive an email summary.
We are gratefu…
All consuming digital
The number of digital touchpoints through which users consume information is growing. So too is the variety of information types and the quantity of each. We are also more likely to have those multiple digital portals with us at all times, as digi…
Brunel designers at MEX
MEX works with Brunel University to partner promising final year design students with professional facilitators during the MEX creative sessions. The Brunel designers work alongside the facilitators by assisting with preparation, contributing idea…
Introducing ‘Locate’
We make countless decisions in response to our location every day. Something so fundamental to being human seemed a fitting theme to add to the MEX user modes, not least because digital experiences in this area have hitherto been driven more by t…
Agenda, speakers & creative sessions at the 14th MEX
On 19th – 20th March 2014 we welcome an exceptional group of speakers & facilitators to London for the 14th international MEX. The agenda combines inspiration from the most respected thinkers in user experience with creative sessions to devel…