Posted Live from MEX
Speakers: Gus Desbarats, Chairman, and the Alloy design team.
How do real users interact with mobile multimedia content? Is it possible to design a device more suitable for consuming mobile multimedia?
Gus described a study with …
- 5 respondents
- all with prior mobile multimedia experience
- positively disposed to idea
- Age 24 – 33
- Sharp 903V 3G handset
- Involving Vodafone web/mobile TV/music/telephony
Mobile TV Observations…
Used when time to kill – train, station, can watch exactly what want.
Always watched in public
Watch with earphones – too anti-social with speaker
Became very disappointed with poor quality sound and vision, image size much smaller than screen.
Lack of controls is a turn-off. Can’t scroll through channels like TV.
Users are unsure about TV ergonomic – where to hold the screen/phone?
Ingredients for an ideal device…
More immediate, simpler access
More recognisable controls
Correct form factor for content
Better text entry
Better coordination with broadband and home media servers
These requirements lead to an ‘ideal’ twin screen MMI device – a high res watching screen and lower res touch screen. This would provide one touch hard-key device access for different modes (camera, phone, music etc). This leads to very specific control screens/keyboards and portrait or landscape depending on the task.
Notes Posted Live from MEX – More detailed report, including panel discussion, will be available after the event.
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