Mobile Fitness Tracking

Our target user gets to setup their entire workout routines online at When they are at the gym, they point their mobile smartphone to m.gymtechnik (Gym Technik Mobile) and they start which ever workout they wish to do that day.

Once started, Gym Technik mobile on their smartphone will:

– Show a list of all exercises they need to complete along with visual images of each exercise
– Allow the user to track the stats for each weight exercise or cardio exercise – It will also show the user their stats from last time so they know where to pick off from
– Allow the user to track their body stats
– Allow the user to take notes
– Allow the user to take pictures and upload to their web account to see progress

Gym Technik automatically saves all data from the smartphone, and through our website we present the user with charts and graphs so they can analyze and optimize your routine.

On a side note, we’re also developing a mobile personal trainer module that allows a trainer to do all of the above but with the ability to track for multiple clients.


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