TagYesterday’s modernity as a lens on the future’s dreamland
I recently found myself looking through a copy of V E Johnson’s Modern Inventions from 1915. I’m still not sure how it ended up on my shelves, but it has rewarded with rich passages, rising at times to something which feels like techno-historic po…
Design Talk 40. Crap Futures with James Auger & Julian Hanna
James Auger and Julian Hanna, the duo behind the Crap Futures blog, talk to Marek Pawlowski about what motivated them to take on a provocative question we all ponder from time-to-time: whether or not the digital age we’re ushering in really repres…
User story: flowering future forward
There’s always a first warm day in March, when winter’s low skies open into the blue promise of spring. It rarely lasts. Not in England.
But today the lawns of the garden square were dry for the first time that year and already filling with the…
Design Talk 11. UX trends past & future, a 10-10 discussion
Hosts Marek Pawlowski and Alex Guest examine user experience trends from 3 points on a timeline: 10 years past, the present and 10 years into the future. Alex discusses scenarios relating to his travels in Patagonia, trust, social networking and t…
What’s your answer to the big #mex15 UX question?
What’s the most important user experience innovation the tech industry should focus on today to change the way humans’ use digital 4 years from now?
Please post your reply as a comment below (jump to comments section).
Every year I a…
Robots & digital actors as the new frontier for experience design
Is a new category of digital products emerging, defined by their ability to create physical change in the world, as opposed to the purely virtual outcomes we currently associate with digital experiences?
There are many products which fit this d…