August 2011
Will buying Motorola enable Google to create better user experiences?
Once the press is done with its billion dollar headlines and the advisory teams have been paid their percentages, mergers and acquisitions succeed or fail on a simple test: does the expanded entity create a better experience for its customers. Go…
MEX Notes: Surfacing information at a Glance
- Source article: Surfacing information at a Glance
MEX note: This post on Yanko features the 'Glance' phone design by Alan Farías. For me, the most interesting aspect of the concept was the 'at a glance' OLED display embedded on the lower end of …
MEX Notes: Apple applies for pico projector patent
- Source article: Apple applies for pico projector patent
MEX note: Display and input mechanisms are the dominant design constraints of mobile devices. While the technology exists to miniaturise much of the communications and application processin…
Greenopolis encourages recycling through photo sharing
Greenopolis, a US initiative which rewards users for recycling, has launched a photo sharing app for Android and iOS. As per the video above, RecyclePix is aimed at encouraging social media users to substitute ‘lame’ (their word, not mine) va…
OLO game shows simultaneous multi-person user interface in browser
Simultaneous multi-person user interfaces (SMUIs) were at the heart of MEX Pathway #3 and much discussed at MEX in December 2010. Tablets with multi-touch screens offer the enticing possibility of experiences which can be used by two or more …
MEX Notes: Good ideas glow in the dark
- Source article: Good ideas glow in the dark
MEX note: This article on Dezeen highlights the work of Croatian designers Bruketa and Zinic, and the architect Brigada. They worked together to create a glow in the dark annual report book for softwar…
MEX Notes: The real sound of Twitter
- Source article: The real sound of Twitter
MEX note: BBC Radio 4's Today programme has an interview with Sam Harman, a student from Dorset in the UK, exploring the fascinating application he created to capture the sound of Twitter. Harman's syste…
The room is your interface
Multitouch Experience Cube from SENSORY-MINDS on Vimeo.
Sensory Minds created this installation for its client GRASS at the Interzum 2011 show in Cologne, Germany. It combines 23 displays to make an immersive multi-touch room, with about 14 me…